Prostate Biopsy for Prostate Cancer

Prostate biopsies are how we diagnose prostate cancer.

They’re usually done if a patient has a PSA elevation or an abnormality on digital rectal examination.
There are essentially two ways you can do a prostate biopsy.

The first method is a trans rectal ultrasound and biopsy (TRUS). This is the gold standard in biopsies.1

The second method which I also use selectively is a trans perineural biopsy where we do a biopsy between the back passage and the scrotum. This I usually use as a second line.

Trans rectal ultrasound and biopsy I usually perform under sedation.

Patients receive intravenous antibiotics at the time of the procedure and hence they have a therapeutic dose of antibiotics at the time of the biopsy with a lower incidence of infection because of this.2

Patients are usually relaxed and hence they have less bleeding from the back passage.2

This also allows us to have a very good feel of the prostate to ensure that there are no specific nodules present or irregularities in the prostate.

I have presented this data on trans rectal ultrasound and biopsy and sedation internationally with 99% of patients saying they would be very happy to have this done again.2

At the time of the biopsy we would take fine cores, usually 12 to 14 cores and these fine cores get sent to the pathologist for an analysis.

The pathologist looks at this under a microscope and diagnoses if there is any prostate cancer.

The second method of biopsy was trans perineural biopsy.

A probe is put into the back passage, we scan the prostate, we put fine needles between the scrotum and the back passage and we do multiple biopsies. 

This involves a general anaesthetic. 

I use this as a second line. 

Many world authorities including Pat Walsh, the father of prostate cancer surgery has strongly advocated not using trans perineural biopsies as the first line because he feels that there is signficant and additional scarring by this biopsy method and this makes the subsequent nerve sparing procedure harder to do.3

But I do believe it’s an important technique so in my practice my first line is trans rectal ultrasound and biopsy and if we follow patients and their PSA is still going up or we’re concerned then I normally then do as a second line trans perineural biopsy.


  1. The role of MRI/TRUS fusion biopsy in the diagnosis of clinically significant prostate cancer - Andrea Benelli, Chiara Vaccaro, Sonia Guzzo, et al.
  2. Patient Response to Total Intravenous Sedation (TIVS) for Outpatient Ultrasound-Guided Prostate Biopsy - Avi Raman, Ahmed Al-Sameraaii, Ruban Thanigasalam, Raji Kooner.
  3. John Hopkins Medicine - Patrick Walsh -